Sun wukong, the monkey king, is a melee agility hero, best known for his slippery nature and his ability to do mischief, deceiving his enemies by turning into trees. Monkey king dota 2 hero. find all monkey king stats and find build guides to help you play dota 2.. Reisen monkey king 50 kills dota 2 - duration: 10:05. dota 2 highlights tv 123,166 views. 10:05. midone vs abed - first time 10k vs 10k!.
Monkey king arcana great sa
For 500 years the mountain pressed down upon him, only his head free from the crushing weight of the stonewrought prison the elder gods had summoned to halt his. – seperti yang sudah diberitakan pada the international 2016 beberapa waktu lalu, di samping ada vrogros, the underlord, dota 2 juga akan merilis hero. Loading hero data.. filter.
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